Feng Shui heart
Flying Star Feng Shui
health * prosperity * relationship * wellbeing
Harmonious Design
A well-designed building heals lives and brings joy to its inhabitants. Feng Shui is the healing art of creating a physical environment that supports and nourishes human life. By designing our homes, work and play spaces in harmony with the natural environment, Feng Shui helps us grow more deeply and open into our true selves. Some of the benefits that can flow from a well-designed environment include increased health and wellbeing, harmonious relationships, serenity, functionality and prosperity.
Personalised Consultation
Your Feng Shui consultation includes Chinese astrology readings, which help to harmonise the energy fields of the individuals within the house or building. I will create an energy map of your house/building and its garden environment, indicating the quality and nature of the energy available in each area. During an extended personal consultation, I will explain how best to harmonise and utilise these energies to support the wellbeing and activities of all the inhabitants, including pets.
Flexible Recommendations
The Flying Star school of Feng Shui is a dynamic approach based on the understanding that energies in a building shift and transform with the passage of time. This allows for greater flexibility, sensitivity and accuracy in adapting my recommendations to suit the lives of you and your family or co-inhabitants over time.

“I was surprised and delighted with the effect of the changes Zdenka suggested in her Feng Shui consultation. Prior to her assessment the counselling room in which I work felt sterile and heavy, not conducive to a relaxed working environment.
After implementing her recommendations the room felt lighter, more spacious and alive.
My own energy lifted, I felt more relaxed and vibrant, which had immediate positive impact on clients.
I would highly recommend a Feng Shui
consultation of your home or workplace by Zdenka. It is truly amazing to see how a shift of energy in the environment can have such a positive effect on the way we feel and function.”
— Rosalie Sharon, Psychotherapist